How Organization Affects Productivity

How Organization Affects Productivity

Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between clutter and productivity. At home, it might mean missed appointments, unfinished chores or lost documents. At work, it could mean overspending, late deadlines and wasted time.

Here are seven ways clutter decreases productivity in the workplace.

  1. Employees waste approximately 4.3 hours per week looking for items that were not returned to their proper spot. This takes away from their constructive time and can lead to over-spending if new items have to be purchased to replace the old.
  2. 43% of Americans admit they are disorganized, and 21% have admitted to missing important work deadlines as a result. This can affect the bottom line of the employer, and possibly canceled contracts.
  3. In recent studies, it was found that office distractions eat up 2.1 hours a day for the average worker. Employees devote an average of only 11 minutes to a project before being distracted. Once interrupted, it takes them 25 minutes to return to the original task, if they return at all. People switch activities, such as making calls, speaking with someone in their cubicle or working on a document, every three minutes on average.
  4. On a typical day, office workers are interrupted about seven times an hour, which adds up to 56 interruptions a day, 80% of which are considered trivial.
  5. An untidy desk can send the wrong message to potential clients, which might result in lost business. An employee’s desk should reflect the image of the company.
  6. A cluttered, dirty office can pose additional health risks for all involved. Dust, allergens and other particles in the air can lead to respiratory problems and skin irritation. Poor air quality allows common germs to spread between workers, who then have to take time off while sick.
  7. Disorganization can result in errors and mistakes since employees can’t find the information or materials they need to complete a project. Or they just stop looking and start cutting corners.

A clutter-free workspace results in less stress and better productivity overall.

Hiring a virtual assistant can alleviate much of this. VAs only bill for the time they spend on your project. If they get called away or distracted, they stop the clock. Employers don’t pay for all those distractions.

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